Ultimate Blog Hop!

Hello one and all! If this is your first time visiting the ole' Jonesie then please let me explain a little. I write on a variety of topics. (basically whatever may pop into my head or even whatever rant I have for the day.) Some things are a little out there, I admit. But honestly, I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think that when I finally released myself from the "rules and roles of society" I really began to find myself. So, my request is that you read more than just one post before you decide. I promise somewhere along the way I am sure you will say what so many others have said at one time or another: Jonesie, you simply say what others only think in their heads!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Someone loves me ....

....other than my family who is required by some unseen universal law.

I'm serious!  I have been blogging here for about a year now I think but I have been in the internet world for sheesh something like 8 years now.  But never before has anyone (other than a couple of really creepy stalker/rapist type dudes...er I think they were dudes????) seemed to take notice to me and my blogging unsolicited! 

I mean here I am over a year old in blogger world and I have an entire 8 admitted followers. (BTW if you are reading this and you are not a follower what the hell is your problem?  Does my writing style not "fit" into your pretty little picture show of life?  Does my typing fingers stink?  WHAT?  Seriously, make a girl smile and go follow my blog by clicking here.  I promise it's not hard!)  

< and to those that do follow me publicly I LOVE YOU! >

Let me get back to my story.  (I swear ADD gets me everytime!)  Here I was just going through my daily routine taking a few moments to catch up on my fellow internet bloggers when I almost choked on my Dr. Pepper!  I got mentioned in someone's blog!  And no it is not a family member or even a "non" internet friend!  It's another TRUE blogger!  I can't believe it!  

As lame as this sounds my day was made!  I went from wading around in shit pie to dancing along a few clouds in the sky!  (Wait WTF!!  That really sounded like some folk, hippie type song line from a few decades ago!)  

You see I am not above groveling, begging, or even bribing people to come read my blog.  I admit every time I write a post I share it on facebook hoping to get a little traffic here.   But for once in my blogger life I swear I did NOT solicit this recognition in any manner!  

So, now that you have read my lame post for today (who cares if you didn't like it??? ..... um I do but please don't tell. It may ruin my tough girl persona!could you please go over and take a little looksie at my friend's blog and leave a comment or two to help make her day?   

Just tell them that Jonsie sent ya! 


  1. Love the way your mind rambles my friend.

  2. Hey, you have more followers than I do, LOL =)

  3. @Cheryl: If you only knew! If you only knew! LOL

    @Aubrey: yea maybe so but I have to admit that I truthfully stalk and bribe people to come here! LOL I'm not ashamed! heheheh

  4. Awwww!! Look at you bein' all sweet!! I knew you had it in you!! ; ) Thank you for the shout out. Yours was long over due and I apologize for that. I wish I could bring you on to our blog and get rid of a few...I mean, encourage them with kind words...: ) You are a better writing partner than a girl could ask for!!! Rock on, Jonesie!! : )

  5. Congrats on the mention over at LYLAS. You now have 10 followers! Great blog and hope you continue exploring the many ways to grow a blog. I provided a response on LYLAS re: networking etc. Come visit/follow me when you get a chance.

  6. I think your blog is pretty funny and I've been following but since I don't have an account with gmail (I had one and deleted it, thus exiled from blogspot forever since gmail owns(?) blogspot) I can only post as "anonymous" and follow your blog from a bookmark :o(.

  7. Well, it's great to see you again Anonymous! I must say it's been a bit intriguing to try and figure out who you are. :)

    Care to spill the beans and tell me how you found me? THX!


  8. Jonsie! We sure do love you! If we could figure out how to add you as a writer (not just commenter) to the LylaspLus blog we totally would! I wish we weren't so computer illiterate! I love your blog and you totally make me laugh! Thank you!

  9. I post on Nablopomo and I came across your blog when I was posting mine. When I was looking to make sure mine posted a small paragraph of yours came up under it and it made me smile so I followed the link to read the whole post :o) I'm not sure how to look mine up since all I have to do is sign in to access my posts but my "added by name" is called Frustrated in Pennsylvania. It's a little better than anonymous lol.


Come on! Make my day! Even a measly word or two can make me smile! Leave a comment!

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