Ultimate Blog Hop!

Hello one and all! If this is your first time visiting the ole' Jonesie then please let me explain a little. I write on a variety of topics. (basically whatever may pop into my head or even whatever rant I have for the day.) Some things are a little out there, I admit. But honestly, I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think that when I finally released myself from the "rules and roles of society" I really began to find myself. So, my request is that you read more than just one post before you decide. I promise somewhere along the way I am sure you will say what so many others have said at one time or another: Jonesie, you simply say what others only think in their heads!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I refuse to say her name, but you all know who I am talking about when I say the "queen of talk".  I am
of hearing about her.  I have always said that there is something about her that isn't normal.  I mean I swear I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't some sort of false prophet, or maybe even the anti Christ. It makes me 
that she has a billion dollars and can do anything she wishes and could actually change the course of history in the blink of an eye.  People just about worship the ground she walks on.  When her mouth opens it's as if a powerful evil spell spews out and people just go nuts, screaming, falling all over themselves.  

Don't get me wrong.  She has had some interesting topics.  And yes, I have been known to watch the occasional show but there is just something creepy about her.  I mean we have death and destruction going on in Missouri right now and the local news chose to have a piece about her complete with a countdown clock ticking off the minutes until the "final" show. I don't CARE! 

I just want the world to know that I will NOT be viewing the "last show".  I will be doing one of many other things which may include: 
  • scratching my ass
  • sleeping
  • washing my hair
  • picking my nose
  • eating
  • watching a marathon of ANYTHING else
Basically, I will be doing anything EXCEPT watching the coveted "last show."  And by the way please do NOT bore me with the highlights because I DON'T CARE to hear it because I am 
of it all!

How about you? Are you going to "un" friend me now that I said THIS out loud?  Hmmmm?


  1. I'll say her name for you...OOOOOPRAHHHHH!

    You'd think I'd be watching her final shows..but no. I don't really care. *Unless she wants to give me a free car or paid cruise around the world..in which case, I'll love her like 75% of the free world. :)

  2. Hello! Newest follower from the Follow Me Back blog hop! Would love for you to stop by and follow back, whenever you get a chance. Have a great week! (:


  3. Boobies,

    I am with ya! I will love her the entire time she gives me a free car, a trip to Australia or hell gives me anything for that matter. (except maybe crabs or bad credit. Oh yea! I already have that. Bad credit I mean. Not crabs. hahaha!)

  4. I'm not watching them either, I won't even notice its not on anymore lol!

    I'm a new follower from the Follow Me Back Tuesday hop! Please stop on by and follow me at http://www.mommydigger.com and say hello :)

  5. I read more than this post as a new follower- I think you're pretty funny! Catch my blog @


  6. I didn't watch it, or hell, for all I know it's on today. I don't hate her, but I don't love her anymore than anyone else on TV. I hate hour our country worships stupid shit! No wonder the rest of the world hates us! I love my country, just not all the stupid people in it!!! I like smart people that stand for something more than Trash Wives of Fake Boob County or Final Episode of Alien Woman that Uses Money to Brainwash People into Recycling. Just me. Just my opinion. I'm SICK of her too!


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