Ultimate Blog Hop!

Hello one and all! If this is your first time visiting the ole' Jonesie then please let me explain a little. I write on a variety of topics. (basically whatever may pop into my head or even whatever rant I have for the day.) Some things are a little out there, I admit. But honestly, I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think that when I finally released myself from the "rules and roles of society" I really began to find myself. So, my request is that you read more than just one post before you decide. I promise somewhere along the way I am sure you will say what so many others have said at one time or another: Jonesie, you simply say what others only think in their heads!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

4th of July Festivities

To begin with I must begin with an explanation of the theory and actual belief of an entire town regarding the idea of this particular holiday.  The entire weekend is filled with tradition laden activities including the Belton parade, vendors and activities in Yettie Polk Park and a huge fire works display hosted by the nearest military base Fort Hood. 

Preparation for this event is truly something in itself as the band meets and older members teach younger newbies the basics of marching.  Folks that live on the main route decorate their old historical houses and many block off their yards to keep unwanted guests planting their rears on their nicely fresh cut grass. 

However, as long as I can remember (and that's a long time!) there is always this one house on Main street owned by John and Nancy Alexander that opens their house for food, fun and fellowship to anyone that would like to come.  Walking into their house is truly walking into a different time in history.  A time when people loved each other freely, welcomed them into their homes, and always had a large amount of food of all kind spread out on any flat surface available.  Leaving their house anyone is definitely full and has been loved enough until the next year!

 Linda & Codie enjoying the Alexander house.  
John Alexander, myself and Chris having fun.


I am sad to say that I have missed this parade myself for many, many years.  Mainly because I was just running my own life, living in the city now and just didn't make time to come back to my roots.  However, this year I made a very impromptu decision to go.  Somehow in my excitement to go I was able to get my brother excited and so therefore the plan was set. 

We had to leave out about 6:30 in the morning which I tell you is just plain ole sinful! Fighting rain most of the way and stopping only once to do the bathroom break for the kids and a smoke break for Mike we actually arrived in time. 

As I drove into town my old instincts kicked in and I switched into the driver seat and began cruising the streets of  Big 'Ole Belton, Texas to find the prime parade spot.  After going around a couple of set up barricades (shhhh!)  the perfect spot was claimed. 

I happily turned the car off and with a little skip in my step (since when the hell do I skip??) I began to unload chairs and get the best view for my vertically challenged Megan as well as my baby nephew Lane.

I think Lane had the most comfy seat in the place!
Big Cousin Chris teaching little Cousin Lane dangerous things I am sure!
We had a wonderful time meeting up with my baby sissy and her family. 
(Left to Right) Dana, Heath and Julie
Lane in front

It was also nice to get a few other shots that were long overdue: 

The Brother-In-Laws
(Left to Right)
Heath, Chuck, Mike
The Siblings
(Left to Right)
Mike aka Bubba, Julie aka sissy, Janet aka big sis

Soon enough the action had begun.  The police cars were sounding their sirens either making small children burst into tears or making older kids clap with excitement. The parade went on record as one of the largest in recent history, but honestly that is not surprising to the true Beltonian that I am.  People and organizations from counties around come to ride through this parade and claim their stake in history as providing their parade wave for the hundreds of onlookers.  Seriously, if you have a truck, tractor, fire truck or or an ATV you can become a parade entry.  I roll my eyes at such a show of hickdom!

Although there are a few entries that will cause me to jump to my feet and yell like a mad woman.  These few things are listed below.

Being the cow loving supporter that I am I of course had to cheer for the Maggie Moo's Ice Cream Cow!  And of course true honor to the love of cows could not be completed without taking a picture to send to my very best moo loving friend Gail who lives in Washington DC.  
She is my soul moo sister!
Let's of course give more moo credit for the Chic-Fil-A cow!
The crowd got on their feet quite quickly to cheer on this semi coming down the road! We love our Cowboys!
Front View
Side View
Tail View

And now it's time for everyone to get on their feet! It's the great big band from Tigerland. The Marching 100!
I am proud to be an alumni member!

Kelsey and Chris hating loving the parade.
Megan is easily amused with a horn.   

After the parade we enjoyed a bit of festivities in Yettie Polk Park where
I ran into some of my old high school friends.  
Left to Right: Linda (Nance) Montez, myself Janet (Rozmen) Jones, 
Larry Haire, Juanette Benson, and Stacey Kabler. 
The pretty little girl is Larry's daughter.

Overall, I did enjoy the day and hopefully my family did as well.  Even if they didn't I appreciate them for
entertaining me while I tripped down hick lane for a day!

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