Ultimate Blog Hop!

Hello one and all! If this is your first time visiting the ole' Jonesie then please let me explain a little. I write on a variety of topics. (basically whatever may pop into my head or even whatever rant I have for the day.) Some things are a little out there, I admit. But honestly, I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think that when I finally released myself from the "rules and roles of society" I really began to find myself. So, my request is that you read more than just one post before you decide. I promise somewhere along the way I am sure you will say what so many others have said at one time or another: Jonesie, you simply say what others only think in their heads!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Coupon Sunday

Alright.  Does anyone else besides me coupon?  If so I've got a deal for you!

I have an entire envelope brimming over with all kinds of coupons.  If you want them they are yours! I just need your snail mail addy and I will put them in tomorrow's mail. 

These are good coupons.  I just don't use the product they are for and want to be sure someone can get some use out of them if possible.



1 comment:

  1. I did it for a while, but it takes a lot of time! I try to never buy items unless they are on sale and then stock up. Paying full price makes me feel guilty now, although I never used to give it a look.


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