Ultimate Blog Hop!

Hello one and all! If this is your first time visiting the ole' Jonesie then please let me explain a little. I write on a variety of topics. (basically whatever may pop into my head or even whatever rant I have for the day.) Some things are a little out there, I admit. But honestly, I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think that when I finally released myself from the "rules and roles of society" I really began to find myself. So, my request is that you read more than just one post before you decide. I promise somewhere along the way I am sure you will say what so many others have said at one time or another: Jonesie, you simply say what others only think in their heads!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Think about this one!

Women are angels but when someone breaks our wings we just keep flying, on broom sticks. Women are flexible like that.


  1. I don't need a broom. I can teleport using bitching as my source of energy. It's a gift. Have a good night!!

  2. ROFLMAO! (I wish that losing my ass weight was as easy as laughing right??)

    Anyways, Elle, zero to bitch in 2.0 seconds eh?

    Gotta luv ya girl!


  3. I like that! Shyeah, more like, 1.0 sec...I need no warm up time! Gotta do lots today, but I will try to stop back by! Have a good Friday, Jonesie!
    I know I will. I might even bitch someone out just for the hell of it! : )

  4. I clicked on the link to your blog from thesimpledude's blog, saw the quote and had to "follow" you. LOVE that quote! Hope you don't mind if I steal it?

  5. Momof2:

    Great to see you here! Ecstatic to have you as a follower!

    Of course by all means you can steal it! In fact you don't even have to steal it! You can just take it as I happily give it to you! We have to stick together! Have to go trot over to your blog now and check you out! :)



Come on! Make my day! Even a measly word or two can make me smile! Leave a comment!

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